Furnace Articles

How Does My Gas Furnace Work?

January 17, 2024
A father talks with his hands as he leans against the railing of his front porch with his preteen son and has a serious discussion.

On a frosty winter’s day here in California, your gas furnace is hard at work, keeping your Auburn home warm and cozy.

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Why Is My Furnace Leaking Water?

October 16, 2023
Why Is My Furnace Leaking Water? Ventilation Cleaner Looking for Dust.

You just discovered there is a puddle of water on the floor in front of your furnace. What does this mean? Why would your furnace be leaking water? 

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Schedule Your Annual Furnace Inspection Now

January 13, 2023
A technician studies a clipboard.

Tackling this important chore is easier than raking leaves or cleaning gutters when you call the heating and cooling experts at Empire.

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What Are Furnace Filters?

November 16, 2022
A furnace filter. What Are Furnace Filters?

Our experienced team is always on hand to answer any filter questions you may have as well as to replace or clean your air filter for you.

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7 Furnace Maintenance Tips

November 25, 2020
Vacuuming an air duct

It’s understandable that maintenance tasks often fall by the wayside. Many Auburn homeowners follow the mantra of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Everyone is busy and many seemingly more important priorities tend to creep up every month to consume time and money.

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